
about massage

Massage can have many positive and therapeutic effects on the body and mind, including:

  • Relief of pain due to muscle tension and overuse
  • Decreased mental and physical stress
  • Stimulation of circulation of oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood supply to organs, skin, muscles and joints
  • Improved joint range of motion and flexibility
  • Release of endorphins, the body’s natural pain killers
  • Improvement in clarity of mind and focus, and in quality of sleep
  • Decreased scar tissue and adhesions and improved skin condition
  • Enhanced immune system functioning
  • Calming of the nervous system
  • Stimulation of digestive functions
  • Increased flow of energy throughout the body
  • Encouragement of body awareness and attention
  • Reduced agitation, anxiety, feelings of isolation or touch deprivation


you deserve it

Even though we know that making time for self-care is important, because many of us have families, jobs, and activities to which we give most of our attention, finding the right moment to do something for ourselves is not easy.  Sometimes simply finding time to stop moving isn’t even possible. But we really do need to find time to renew our energies and ways to give back to ourselves. We all deserve to be nurtured and to allow ourselves time to be still, to breathe and restore balance.

During your massage, you have responsibility only to yourself — to receive nourishing touch and to exist in the present so that you can clear your mind and listen to your body. With that awareness, you will be able to communicate to me about what feels right and be open to the moment for yourself.


before your massage

Complete your intake form as completely as possible; our consultation is confidential and critical to designing your session to provide the greatest benefit. The consultation for your first session may last a little longer than the future ones so we can review it together. Try to avoid eating a big meal or having a lot to drink prior to the session.  Consider showering prior to your massage; your skin will be more supple and your tissues looser.  Please turn off your cell phone or other communication devices – make this an escape for yourself.


the massage session

A typical massage session will last between 45 and 90 minutes.  Each session will include about 15 minutes in which we will review your medical and health history and your current needs, so we can decide what kind of session you will have and talk about how the session went and what we would work on in future sessions.

When we are ready to begin, I will leave the room while you undress to your level of comfort. Some people prefer to leave under-things on, and some prefer to remove all clothing. This is up to you. You will lie down on the massage table under the sheet before I return to the room.

Before we begin, I will adjust the face cradle and a pillow under your legs to ensure that you are comfortable. During the session, I will check in with you to confirm the pressure is enjoyable for you, and that you remain in a comfortable position and are warm/cool enough. I will sometimes use a heated pad under you or on parts of your body for warmth and relaxation.  During the session, I will undrape only the part of your body being worked on and the rest of you will remain securely covered.  Please let me know of any changes that would make you more comfortable – this is your session and you should enjoy it and feel secure at all times.

I will use long, smooth strokes, kneading strokes and other movements of your skin, muscles and joints using lotion or oil.  Pressure will be variable depending on the area being worked and your preference.

Do not feel that you need to remain quiet or completely still – allow yourself to unwind with movement or sounds – but consider focusing on the feeling of your breath moving in and out of your body, rather than making conversation. This is your time to receive nourishing, nurturing care, and to focus on yourself.

I would like to be a part of your efforts to effect a positive change on your mind and body. I will use my hands, fingers and arms to soothe or knead your tense muscles, and reduce your feelings of stress as your body awareness grows and you respond to my touch. Together we will create a nurturing environment for your relaxation and nourishment.


after your massage

I will leave the room when the massage is over so that you can dress. Take your time getting up from the table. It is safest to roll to your side and then sit up on the table before standing. You may notice that your posture is different, restricted areas feel more mobile, or that certain areas of your body feel looser or more relaxed. Many people feel calm and relaxed after a massage, with a clear mind and greater awareness of their bodies. 

Occasionally, people experience mild, temporary aching or soreness, as they do after light exercise. It is a good idea to drink water following a massage to hydrate your tissues and help flush waste from your body. Consider scheduling sequential sessions in advance – make the time for yourself a priority – especially if you have a chronic condition we are working to address.